JYian to Lead With Empathy, A Heart of Gratitude, Passion and Compassion to Improve the Lives of Others as a Gracious Community.
To help students develop and demonstrate character and citizenship attributes through serving the school, community and nation.
National Day Celebration 2021

Click here to visit the Juying photo gallery for more photos of the National Day celebrations.
National Day Observance Ceremony
Staying rooted as a gracious intergenerational community, Juying Secondary passionately collaborated with Nanyang Community Club for our National Day Observance Ceremony 2020. We helped out with warmly welcoming guests and engaging them at the activity booths where our student councillors and game station masters shared important historical knowledge on famous and impactful characters like Sang Nila Utama, Mr Yusof Ishak, Mr SR Nathan,
Mr Lee Kuan Yew and Singa, who have shaped our cosmopolitan country of today.
Our Uniformed Group cadets in NCC (SEA) were proud flag bearers in the flag party while their comrades in NCDCC
showcased their creativity and precision in executing their fancy drill to enthrall the audience. Our performing arts students also displayed their talents with zest on stage - flashy Hip Hop dance routines by our dance club members, as well as soulful melodies belted out by our Choir members.
It was a beautiful commemoration with our Nanyang community that evening and we hope we will have many more wonderful years of partnership to show the love we have for our dream city and country, our dear Singapore.
Catch all the action of this event at this link.
VIA (Values-In-Action)
The VIA Programme seeks to challenge JYians to be concerned citizens and active contributors by engaging them in deep conversations in current affairs, experiential and authentic learning as well as giving them opportunities to advocate for a good cause. The students embark on an investigative journey that leads to a spark for a concern before they take action to make a difference to a social / global issue.
1. To provide an opportunity for our students to work together as a class towards fulfilling a common goal.
2. To provide an opportunity for students to interact with children from a different culture so as to deepen students’ global awareness and cross-cultural skills and sensitivity.
3. To inculcate the school R2IGHT values in students by providing a meaningful platform.
Sec 2 R2IGHT Camp (VIA/TIE Trip)
This year, Juying Secondary redirected its focus on our Sec 2 VIA/TIE trips to increase the level of student ownership and involvement in the VIA/TIE process. Thi also as to better achieve the objectives of the VIA/TIE trips:
During the June/October holidays, our Secondary Twos and Threes were involved in the Trips for International Experience (TIE) in various countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.
The objectives of the trip are to develop our students in the 21st Century Competencies of Global Awareness and Cross-Cultural skills. Through their experience in serving the needs of children in orphanages and schools and also tackling environmental issues such as water pollution, our students have definitely grown in their self-confidence and self-directedness as well as developed into more concerned global citizens and active contributors to handle social issues around them.
Objectives of VIA TIE Trip
1. Develop in our students the 21st Century Competencies of global awareness and cross-cultural skills and sensitivities;
2. Expose students to Asia, especially South East Asia, and sensitise them to Singapore’s place in the world; and
3. Deepen students’ commitment and rootedness to Singapore.
To plan for the trip, our Sec 2 students go through the following steps:
##### Processes
Stage 1
Identify a social issue that they want to learn more about.
Stage 2
- Conduct online research on how that issue is being tackled in Singapore.
- Select a country that has done well in tackling that issue to visit and learn from.
Stage 3
- Craft their desired learning outcomes from their VIA/TIE trip.
Stage 4
- Work with their form teachers to plan the trip itinerary and select the trip vendor.

Following their VIA/TIE trip, the Sec 3 classes all shared with the school what they had experienced and learnt during their trip. Feedback from the students, the teachers, and even the staff of the places visited by the students during their VIA/TIE trips, was very positive. Students shared that they had benefited from the programme tremendously.
As a follow-up to the VIA/TIE trip and to give the students an opportunity to further develop themselves and apply what they have learnt, the Sec 3 classes will be planning their own VIA activity to tackle the social issue they had chosen, but in Singapore’s context. Through this programme, our students have definitely grown in their self-confidence and self-directedness, as well as developed into more concerned global citizens and active contributors to tackling social issues around them.

Secondary 1
Secondary 2
Secondary 3
We partnered with the nursing home near our school to conduct various activities such as music-making, exercises, sensory boards and life story documenting for the residents of the home weekly. Before embarking on planning the activities, our students learnt more about the needs of the elderly from a sharing conducted by the staff of the home. As we would like to respect the privacy of the residents, no photographs will be featured here.
Secondary 4/5
Together with our partner, Lions Club, three classes jointly conducted a beach cleaning. After the cleanup, the students gathered their observations and conducted an advocacy campaign to create awareness to the juniors and peers. The topics covered range from litter people throw, the negative impacts caused by these litter and how we can play our part via platforms such as BeAConz talk, posters and sharing via social media platforms. The other classes also embarked on environmental advocacy projects.
Environmental Sustainability Education
School Wide Sustainability Awareness & Education
Juying DREAM Garden

Our commitment to sustainability education and Singapore’s 2030 Green Plan